Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Business of Birth video Reflection:

Watching The Business of Birth was very eye opening, and insightful, i never really thought much about the birth process and how it has become so unnatural. There was never a doubt in my mind that i was not going to have kids until this unit, particularly this video, it has changed the way i look at life.For the most part i thought the normal way to give birth was how it was advertised on TV, little did i know that is the wrong way to go about the process “You’re supposed to be afraid, and not know exactly what to do and how to go about it, but everyone always gets through it” This is way many soon to be mothers feel.While watching the movie, I saw successful births where the mothers were expecting the pain, but rather than having an attitude of "i can't" they embraced and welcomed it. To them it was the natural way. The birthing process was easier for them because they believed that they could do it themselves without the assistance of a doctor or medication. I found that extremely liberating to see strong minded women preforming what there bodies are made to do, It was very empowering. After watching some of the births I realized t that giving birth yourself and not letting any doctor assist you or try to take away from the experience leaves you with a better sense of yourself, your body and your mind. They all seemed to be completely satisfied because there birth was natural way.

There were several parts in the documentary that I thought would be important to bring up, the first being how women in labors needs are completely disregarded by everyone including doctors. Doctors do what is simple for them. This is why more women are both choosing and being forced to give birth through c-sections. C-sections bring in more money for doctors and it’s “easier” than vaginal birth because it lowers the risk of medical malpractice. Little do the patients know that it is the doctors who cause most of the complications and distress on both mother and child. More into the video I learned that OBGYN’s have never had a good reputation in the history of birth, with drugs used like Scopolamine and the way that they used to chain women up while they were giving birth.

Overall Watching this video changed my views on child birth completely, i wish more people (especially women) saw this video, i think it is important to bring back the sense of empowerment to women, they should not be scared of the experience they should accept that it is what there bodies are made to do. Doctors have instilled fear in women without them knowing. This video has provided me with invaluable information about the correct way to give birth.

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