Sunday, January 25, 2009

Inauguration Analysis:

I was surprised how emotional this past week was, especially the Monday (Martin Luther King Day) before the inauguration. Talking to family and friends everyone seemed to be amazed that they lived to see the day where "MLK'S dreams became a reality". I stayed home to watch the inauguration with the surprising permission of my parents, they felt it was a extremely historical day that could not be missed. To me if felt like the first day in many years where people has some sort of hope for the country, it was a good feeling to know that a president i actually wanted and many of the people closest too me choose, won!!! because that has not been the case for the past two elections. This election seemed to have a slightly different vibe from previous ones. People seemed more desperate, as if Obama was the our only answer, treated almost as god: he had all the answers to our problems, as long as he is out president we have no more worries. Although i agree that he will lead us in a better direction then McCain, there is only so much he can do in the time he has to get us out of the mess we are in. It seemed to become a trend to show support for him, most celebrities used there power to promote him, appearing in TV specials, commercials, and ads, making it the "in" thing to do.

while watching the news coverage, I was really surprised and inspired to see how diverse the crowd of people (more than 2 million) gathered together in Washington to show support for Obama, many reporters compared it to the march on Washington when MLK gave his most famous "I have a dream" speech. I think it gave many hope that the road to end racism was coming to an end, but in reality there is a long way to go, we have just made a huge leap. when the Bush's showed there face at the celebration i was surprised at how calm to crow was, i was expecting to see more anger and hate in people actions.

I was also really surprised at how much the media took interest in the outfits the Obama family was wearing, it seemed like a very insignificant thing compared to the rest of the day. Everyone was talking about what the new up and coming young designer Michelle was wearing, and J Crew made it very clear that they provided the outfits for Barack, and his two daughter Sasha and Melia.

Overall I enjoyed watching the inauguration, i thought it was very thoughtfully planed out with all of the preformences, and it was a good feeling to see so many people (black, white, hispanic, rich and poor) show their support in the freezing cold weather. That was a historic event that im sure will be talked about in out children's american history classes. All of us can say we had the privilage of watching it live.
Posted by tribeca92 at 3:59 PM 0 comments

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