Sunday, November 30, 2008

Constitution Assignment
To ensure that America stays free and that Justice is always served, this constitution was created so that laws and rules must be abided by, the constitution serves the purpose of making sure that everyone is unified and domestic peace is kept in place.

Legislative Branch:
- Made up of Congress, House of Representatives, and Senate
- Makes Tax laws
- Makes laws controlling trade between the United States and other countries
- Representation in senate remains the same, different from the House of Representatives which varies on population of state
- Senate can say yes or no to treaties that president makes
- Approves the production and making of money
- Can declare wars with countries

Executive Branch:
- Makes sure that laws of US are followed and obeyed
- To be a president, you must be a natural born American and have lived in the US for at least 14 years
- The President has a cabinet that he can turn to for advice. i.e) The Secretary of State and Secretary of Commerce
- The President has the power to approve or disapprove laws that the Congress creates

Judicial Branch:
- Justices have to be trained in law.
- Supreme Court is made up of 9 justices
- Is The Supreme Court

I found the constitution to be a very boring thing to read, I thought I was going to be able to better understand the reason behind why the government is run the way it is but instead I felt it was just a long list of rules that should be kept, but continue to be broken. I am not quite sure why the Constitution is the highest law of the land because it seems many of the rules could be easily disregarded and there would not be much or a consequence. An example would be when they talk about the "freedom and justice for all" when that law was made many native Americans and Africans were being put through slavery.

Does anyone have the power to change something written on the Constitution? If so who? Why?

Why does it seen the politicians are the only really people being provided common defense?

Why does the president have to be born in the uniter states even if he comes from at least one citizen of the US?

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