Sunday, November 16, 2008

2008 Elections

Watching the 2008 election brought back a lot of memories, going with my parents to vote, staying up late in front of the TV flipping to different news stations, waiting anxiously for the results to come in. This election however was a little different, because I am older I seemed to follow more watching the debates although I felt they became excessively repetitive and boring I felt I understood more about the candidates how the whole electing a president thing actually works. It seems like the past 3 months that is all anybody has been talking about, and because Obama was the candidate for the democrats he had more of a “celebrity” status than previous elections. I think many people who were not normally interested in elections took an interested because they wanted to feel as much a part of making history as the next person. Overall I think Obama did a really good job campaigning and got his voice heard where it needed to be heard most. I thought it was a very smart move for him to elect Joe Biden as vice president because he has a large appeal to once Hillary supporters.
I think it was clear that the American people were ready for a change, but how much can Obama really do? Being as though the country has been left in his hands in such horrible shape because of the bush administration. I am afraid people will be impatient and when they don’t start to see improvement as fast as they would have liked and blame Obama for not addressing every problem he “promised”.

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