Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Big Collapse - Assignment #2

When the topic of "collapse" is brought up, controversy is begins to brew. What collapse are we talking about? Global warming, humans starving to death or the one "where everyone just dies and the world blows up" ? The possible collapse of the American society is a probable one and a sad reality at that. We like in a greedy nation where we value prosperity and anything that helps us gain more money (the wealthier the better!). Large demand leads to exploitation of our resources, oil is has been at its peak for many years in the united states and continues to decrease in not just this country but many other major oil countries. Oil seems to be what keeps out planet spinning, but at the same time is destroying it.

Fossil fuels are limited! but we do not treat them and preserve them like we are worried it will run out anytime soon. Almost everything you can think of involved the use of fossil fuel. What will we do when it runs out? Will the world turn to completely mechanical machines? and how will we be able to keep up with the demand if our resources and machines are slower? No matter how you look at it oil will be needed (even a little) for the human population to live.

To bad for all of us, the united states reached its peak oil, which is the point at which we have produce the maximum amount of oil. That may have seemed good at the time but from forever after that the amount produced each year will continually decrease. It is becoming harder and harder to find out most valuable resource, other countries have reached there peak as well and it will start to take affect on us.

This can very easily be related to the collapse of Easter island, they continued to cut down tress because they thought there were more "over the hill", just like them we continue to drill barrels and barrels (enough to touch the moon 250 times a year) of oil thinking there is more in another place. Like the people of Easter Island who did not think their resources would run out. They cut down trees for stupid reasons (rolling large statues from place to place). although we do not use the resources for completly useless reasons we could learn to use them is a more efficient way.

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