Thursday, February 12, 2009

Homework: Re-cap and thoughts on Andy's Analysis of the AWOB

Over the past few days in class we have been discussing our ideas on what the "American Way of Birth" actually is, how it is perceived, and how it has changed over time compared to not only early in American history but world wide (globally). Yesterday the class tried to better understand why it is that Americans want so badly to have kids. Many of the ideas thrown around sounded valid, but the ones that i felt applied to most women were that:
- Child birth and the job of raising a child is a life experience that should not be missed. Women are born with this amazing ability, your body is made to do it so we should take advantage.
- Women are following the social norm. Once we are married the next thing people expect is for a couple to have a baby.
- Family Pressure, Mothers want to see there sons and daughters having kids of there own. Grandchildren become a competition, the proud grandparents want to show off how "beautiful and perfect" there newest additions are.
- Teens especially think it seems like the "cool" thing to do, something to dress up and play around with. They see all the celebrities are want to follow in the same footsteps, not realizing how big a responsibility it is.
How many of the women in the world specifically in the united states are having kids for the right reasons? One idea that was tossed around was the theory that all people have some sort of "deep physical hunger" (something they cant live without), in this case it would be sex. According to Andy "Birth happens because of irrational reasons, a deep physical hunger for sex. People do not give birth because they want to have babies, but because they want more sex." Are a lot of kids alive today a mistake according to there parents? This idea lead to a number of questions yet to be answered leaving us with research to do.

Today in class the discussion switched gears a little bit; why has the AWOB become so alienated? Technology has advanced us in ways that allow childbirth to be easier less painful, but that could lead to the reason why women today are having so many more children. How much should the government be able to interfere with families? a specific example, most recently seen all over the news is the case of the women who just gave birth to the octuplets, many people consider her to be selfish, she does not have the money or support of loved ones to care for all 14 of them, why should her kids have to suffer for her "deep physical hunger" for children. Having already had 6 kids, and her doctors fully aware they still decided to fulfill her wishes and implanted all 6 of the embryos, two of which resulted in twins. In an interview on the mother of 14 said "a lot of couples do undergo this procedure and its not as controversial because their 'couples' so its more acceptable to society." Many argue that the doctor is to blame and was completely irresponsible and that knowing her circumstances, they should have not allowed her to go ahead with the pregnancy. Others can argue that its the mothers choice to have as many children as desired. Was this an example of a case where the government should have gotten involved? I believe so because not only is it ecologically horrible for the environment, but she can not support all of them, why should the innocent children have to suffer and why should our tax money go towards paying for her own selfish act.

In general women are scared the pain of going though a natural childbirth will cause them, that why they take medication, "its not natural, but its normal." In America we are spoiled with the option of even being able to control that, in most of the world they do not have that option they are forced to really experience it to the fullest. It seems much more raw but relaxed and worshiped in other countries. They have the support of family and friends, they are in the natural position (the way there body feels most comfortable in), they are in a calm serene enviornments. The american way of birth has become this high paced rush for both mother and doctor, bright bright lights, medication and unnatural birth postitions, its a race to see who can get our faster.

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