Thursday, October 9, 2008

1st draft AMOL essay:

What is The American Way of Life? At first it seemed like there would be and obvious answer “2.5 kids, the cars, a white picket fence and the dog” turns out its a little more complicated depending on whom you ask. Although everyone’s definition of the American Way of Life is different both Fred Taylor and John fanning were able to agree on the fact that they think people should peruse what they love. “Important to live the life you imagined and follow your dreams.” Mr. Fanning said “People should be able to seek what you feel is necessary in life.” Its interesting that a lot of what they said was similar, is it because they went through some of the same struggles in life. Both coming form artistic backgrounds.
The American way of life is a never-ending cycle; Mr. Fanning felt the AMOL was “ based on opportunity. People like and work hard, start families, try and make money, and pass down tradition and values to the next generation.” Although he felt not everyone was able to seek the AMOL, it seems that people agree that education, and money play a very important role and one thing relates to the other. “People who are educated so better in this country.” (Fanning) Education seems to be a lager part of how successful people become in life. Why has it changed so much, people where able to get jobs with out graduating high school or having a college degree, now not so much? People who get a lower level of educated are not able to get as high paying jobs “at this point in time the economic system is horrible. The Richer are getting Richer, the middle class is becoming smaller and more people are becoming poorer and poorer.” (Taylor)

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