Sunday, September 21, 2008

HW assignment #2:

comments left on blogs by me:

"The clip where you are dancing with your ugly doll is really cute! I have one to!" - left on chloe hillmans

"I love the video clip with you and your sister!" - Left on Binta Berry's

"Ali jo i like that in your video your interveiw yourself for most of the video" - left on Ali jo's


In a few of the videos i have seen people have started off holding the camera and not showing there face. They only the things around them, trying to make it seem like you are seeing there life though their eyes.

In Many of the videos people show there home, which to me shows that people value their home and realize they are lucky enough to have one. It is a aspect of their life they find important.

I was surprised to see that people did not show there family as much as i would have thought. some chose to only one member from there family, others did not show any. many it is because at this time in our life realationships with our family can be difficult.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A DAY IN THE LIFE from Francesca Taylor on Vimeo.

Description and analysis:


1. In my video I have included what I find to be important in my life. The first person you see is my grandmother who is a huge inspiration to me. Through the majority of the film I am walking around Tribeca (my neighborhood) with one of my best friends, Emma. We walk through Whole Foods, which has become a favorite spot of ours to eat in and just hang out with our friends. A little later one we are in a park across the street from our elementary school what we would always go after school and fool around. We all have a lot of memories there. All of the still photographs are of my friends and family who are a huge part of my life. Lastly the video clips at the end were taken in school, where my friends where just being themselves, having a fun time.

2. I have lived in Tribeca all my life and I cannot imagine living anywhere else. I have made many of my best friends here, the ones I know I will always stay in touch with. Everyone living here has become a close knit community and its nice to walk out of the house and run into someone you know almost every time.

School is also another very important part of my life. I am extremely grateful to be getting a good education in a school with a ton of diversity. I have made long-lasting friends and, although I don’t look forward to being in school everyday, I have amazing people by my side to make time go by faster.

3. Most things in my life seem to be pretty good. I try and balance out everything I do in life. As I have mentioned before, my friends are there and support me, for the most part, 100% in everything I do. So far I am enjoying school and find all the classes I am taking to be very interesting.

What’s bad – I feel like my neighborhood has slowly begun to change. When I was growing up I was surrounded my independent artists and now more and more ugly skyscrapers going up and its becoming more populated with young businessmen who are making extremely high salaries.

What’s neutral - I am not a morning person at all and it is like pulling teeth to get me up at 6:30 in the morning every day for school.

4. If I could have included anything it would have been my love for music and traveling. I like just about any kind of music but my favorites are Coldplay, Radiohead, and Kings of Leon but the list goes on forever. I have been traveling since I was two weeks old with my parents and did not start to appreciate and realize how lucky I am to have been the places I have been. Some of them include Turkey, Italy, France, Argentina, England, Mexico, and Amsterdam.


5. My general pattern in my way of life is someone who is trying to live each day like it’s your last and is trying to enjoy it and have a fun time.
6. I am not really sure how all the aspects of my life fit together. The good things in my life help me to get through the bad and neutral things. If I have a problem my friends are there to fix it. I guess I am as much a part of why the neighborhood is changing, I don’t realize it all the time but I am. I consume from big giant empires that throw the little guys out of bossiness. Because I have realized it I am more aware.

7. I think there are certain aspects of my life that are very typical, I go to school everyday, I like to spend time with my friends but sometimes I have to put that second and put school first. I am entering some of the most important years of my life and, like most teenagers, I am going through some of the common issues. But I feel I also live a life that most of America will never get to experience, I was brought up in New York City, what is thought of as the most famous city in the world. I am constantly in the middle of crowded streets, surrounded my siriens and cars. I feel I have a little more independence that most kids, I don’t have to rely on my parents driving me everywhere, I can just hop on a subway.

8. I am curious to see how my way my life changes as I grow up and get older. What am I going to call “home”? Who are going to be my friends? How, in ten years down the line, will I have changed as a person? Will I have amazing stories to tell from my travels or will I be trying to raise a family in the suburbs (hopefully not!). I find it really interesting how people start off one way and have the ability to change who everyone thought they would become, I have seen this happen many time and I am still young, how will it be when I am older and wiser and am able to understand things better?


Monday, September 15, 2008


Just making sure the new blog is up and running!